About me

Hello, I am Marco Thomas, a software developer from Germany! 👋

I'm currently studying for my Master's degree in IT Security in the beautiful city of Munich, Germany. In my spare time I like to hack some code, build keyboards or learn new things. Feel free to explore my little corner of the internet, especially my hobby tabs for keyboards and Japan.

What i'm doing

  • Computer Systems & IT Security

    I'm really obsessed with studying and understanding how modern UNIX-like computer systems work (down to the lowest levels) and how to secure them effectively. My biggest interests here are the network stack, the operating system kernel and everything related to that.

  • Programming

    My favourite languages are Rust, C and Python! Most of my time is spent programming random things, but I'm geared towards systems programming.

  • Selfhosting

    After learning the basics in server administration, I started to host most of the services I use myself. Protect your data!

  • Keyboards

    I love to design and build my own keyboards for both programming and gaming. Check out the keyboards tab!

  • 日本語の勉強

    2019年から日本語を勉強している。 目的は、大学卒業するまでにN3を取ることです!

  • Tea

    Brewing and drinking a variety of green and white teas has become a passion and relaxing hobby ever since starting with it in 2021.



  1. HM Logo Master Science: IT Security

    Mar 2024 — now

    Munich University of Applied Sciences

    Munich (BY), Germany
  2. SIT Tokyo Logo Graduate Exchange Program

    Mar 2025 — Jul 2025

    芝浦工業大学 (Shibaura Institute of Technology)

    Tokyo, Japan
  3. HM Logo Bachelor Science: Computer Science

    Oct 2020 — Mar 2024

    Munich University of Applied Sciences

    Munich (BY), Germany
  4. IHK Logo Apprenticeship: Mathematical‑Technical Softwaredeveloper (MaTSe)

    Sep 2019 — Nov 2022

    IHK für München und Oberbayern

    Munich (BY), Germany
  5. GIK Logo Higher Education Entrace Qualification

    Jun 2013 — Jun 2019

    Gymnasium im Kannenbäckerland

    Höhr-Grenzhausen (RLP), Germany


  1. genua Logo Dual Study Program: M.Sc. IT-Security

    Mar 2024 — now

    genua GmbH

    During my first and second Master semesters, I worked on general development and debugging of BSD kernels, system deamons, firewall and VPN-related programs and other security related applications.

    Kirchheim near Munich (BY), Germany
  2. genua Logo Dual Apprenticeship: B.Sc. Computer Science & MaTSE

    Sep 2019 — Mar 2024

    genua GmbH

    Between semesters, I worked on a few things: Implementation of new network hardware for the L4 microkernel, integration of a WAF into the main firewall product and general development and debugging of BSD kernels, system deamons, firewall and VPN related programs and other security related applications.

    The final two years were spent supporting a BMBF-funded research project, which explored a business process-driven network policy model with automated enforcement of novel rules within a network. Besides research, I implemented and debugged major parts of the policy compiler, web application, code build infrastructure, continuous integration and automated testing environment. My project contribution concluded with my bachelor thesis on policy rule verification using SMT, which I ended up submitting as a paper at PRDC 2024.

    Kirchheim near Munich (BY), Germany
  3. genua Logo Internship

    Apr 2018

    genua GmbH

    During my internship, I learned a lot about general IT security practices, network security and some general python programming from apprentices and students.

    Kirchheim near Munich (BY), Germany


  1. Optimal Deployment of High-Level Access Control Policies in Heterogeneous Enforcement Infrastructures

    Nov 2024

    Authors: Marco Thomas, Claas Lorenz, Alf Zugenmaier

    29th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2024)

    Osaka, Japan


  • Languages

    German (Native)
    English (Fluent)
    Japanese (N4-N3ish, UNIcert® Basis)
    French (School)

  • Programming

    Very incomplete list, but (somewhat?) sorted by preference and skill:
    Rust, Python, C, Haskell, Bash, JavaScript, Java, x86/x64/RISC-V ASM

  • UNIX

    Linux and BSD-based systems with all of the basic tools (shell, git, ssh, vim, fzf, ...).

  • Typesetting

    I typeset all of my documents using Typst or LaTeX (except this website >.<).


  • Anne Pro 2

    My first pre-built Keyboard, where I tried lots of different keycaps, but finally settled with DROP PBT Blank Gradient keycaps. The beginning of my journey.

    Anne2 Anne2 Anne2
  • DZ60

    A classical DZ60 board with tactile AKKO Lavendar Purple switches, lubed with Trybosys 2303 and topped with GMK Noel. This is my to-go board, which I usually bring to any place, where I will work for an extended time, like at the office or my parents home!

    DZ Noel DZ Noel DZ Noel
  • Blade60

    A heavy Blade60 case with Trybosys 2303 lubed tactile AKKO Lavendar switches and beautiful AKKO Neon Caps. My main board for programming and typing... eternal love <3

    Blade60 Blade60 Blade60 Blade60 Blade60 Blade60
  • KBDLite67 R2 Tiffany

    My gaming board with fast and lubed linear Gateron Yellow Milky switches and ePBT Green & White caps. Previosly, I used linear AKKO Matcha, but they were a tad too heavy, so back to being generic...

    KBDLite KBDLite KBDLite
  • GMMK Pro

    My first try on a larger board with linear AKKO Matcha switches and ZDA Matcha Keyboards, to cope with my matcha addiction. Sadly the board and ZDA caps didn't quite fit my typing preferences, so I sold it 2 years after buying it. It seems that I'm doomed to be a cherry profile snob.

  • Gallery

    A collection of photos, which show multiple keyboards and don't fit any of the previous sections.

    Family Family Family


This is a map of Japan showing all the beautiful prefectures, kindly provided by mapchart.net. Each prefecture that I have visited is shown in green. Feel free to hover (long press on mobile) over the map to see my favourite photo I took there (so far)!